I am a bit tipsy.
I fucking love you all.
Except Teflon who I think is an utter cunt. But he wasn't there. Hooray. If he was there would have been blood on the floor of the disco. And the walls.
But every one else, I love you like you were my family.
Even if my family interfered with me after dark while I whimpered into a pillow. So, maybe I love you like the family I wish I'd had who didn't cross boundaries. I bet Teflon would cross those boundaries.
God I'd love Teflon to cross my boundary.
But I'd hate him for it.
And love him.
But mainly not.
What a fucking brilliant night that was, I had a blast. I love that people of so many different backgrounds can come together over a single common interest and get on.
Fuck me I'm a bloody hippy.
I hate myself now. More than I did when I had issues.
Beanfields! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........