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Mix ratio.


Dec 7, 2024
Having a grey/blonde moment.

Got plenty of sample flavours, want to try a few.

Lately I'm only MTL vaping, high nicotine. 20 ml

I'm wanting to mix about 30 ml of vape, approx 15 to 20 nicotine strength.

I've plenty of base, 50/50, nic salts etc. but like most don't want to waste anything, or at least minimise it.

Played with the calculators, nothing makes sense. More nicotine than base needed.

Admittedly, since a stroke earlier this year I'm not the brightest penny.

Anyone happy to give me basic, simple ratios?

Thanks Gary
When you say sample flavours do you mean just plain flavours with no added nic? Also how big are they? And what amount are you looking at making?
Yes, simply sample flavours. No nic.
Given as freebies when I order online. 10ml bottles.
I'm simply looking for a base mix, about 30 ml, at about 15 to 20 nicotine strength.
Then decant into 10 ml bottle then add a few drops of flavour
Nothing to technical, simply a taste experiment.
It's hard as the sample flavour would all ready be mixed with Pg/vg. So unfortunately adding nic will just dilute the flavour.
Is the nic 72mg and what is it suspended in PG or VG? Is the flavour in PG?
That i understand, hence no calculations work.
I'm simply looking for a base mix, something to experiment with. Add a few drops of flavour etc.
Thanks for your input and experience.
That i understand, hence no calculations work.
I'm simply looking for a base mix, something to experiment with. Add a few drops of flavour etc.
Thanks for your input and experience.
For 15mg nic total strength you would only need 2.1ml 72mg nic and for 20mg strength you would need 2.8ml so total mix of 15mg would be 12.1ml and 20mg would be 12.8ml
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