This is how I do it when I'm using drops; it works for all my recipes and avoids the calculators:
I use droppers that make ~33 drops per ml.
If there is no ingredient with fractions of a percent, I start with 3ml of my diluted nic base and measure flavoring as 1 drop = 1%
If there is no ingredient with less than 0.5%, I start with 6ml of my diluted nic base and measure flavoring as 1 drop = 0.5%
If there any ingredients with 0.25%, I start with 12ml of my diluted nic base and measure flavoring as 1 drop = 0.25%
I find this so easy, I don't ever use those juice recipe calculators. The real key is the drops per ml. Measure a few of your droppers (or syringes, or whatever you're using). If you have something that makes about 33, you're all set; just use it for all the flavorings in that recipe. If not, tell me how many drops/ml your droppers/syringes make, and I'll write out the easiest way for you to mix with the equipment you already have.
One kink I run into is when I want to make a small batch but there are some tiny percents in the recipe. In that case, I sometimes mix together only the flavorings (as if I'm making a 12ml or larger batch), then add a single drop of that to 3ml of my nic base to try it at 3% total flavoring (2 drops for 6%, etc.) That's what I described at the start of this thread.
Does any of that help, Dan? If you're stuck on a particular recipe, let me know which one (here or PM is fine), and I can tell you how to do it in drops