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Mixing Kit


Aug 26, 2017
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I just got the last couple of items in the mail.
Lookin good right? :p
There are a few more things I will be adding in the future but it's a great start I think.
I've just got pre mix concentrates here as I want to find an ADV that works before I get to the flavour mixing.
Excellent haul! I still need to work out my labelling system :)
Looking good mate, the only additional thing i use is a set of cheap digi scales off fleabay for about 4 quid.
I figure that the Home Bargains or one of the pound shops will sell stickers that will do for labelling. At least for the beginning.
As far as the scales go.. I kind of like the syringes but I might change my mind later. The thought of measuring and mixing liquid in mg bugs me.
You know like going to the bar and asking for half a kilo of beer?
I get how it could be easier though, and as I say I might change my mind about that later.
Looks like your all ready to go there and soon as you get your ADV down you'll be one happy vaper saving a ton of money
Scales will come to you as a revelation. Stick to the syringes for now, and you'll appreciate the scales even more when you make the switch.
let us know what you think of the lubrisolve concentrates, thy are fairly new.

have a couple myself, the strawberry milkshake is quite nice, as is the dragon breath one.

don't really like the black wizard one, tasted fine as a shake and vae, but after a few days it got a bit of a weird taste to it.
Picked up a couple of things in Boots just because I was in there for something else..
100ml bottles were 50p and given slightly grudgingly lol
Glycerin was 99p for 200ml

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