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Mod ideas!

oooh that glade thing would make an awesome mod, especially if you didnt tell anyone and just left it on the fire place at home, wait for visitors to take their seat then stick your mouth over it and vape away lol
would work particularly well with a xmasy cinnamon apple juice lol

OO now that would be amazing, have both of best worlds, have an apple cinamon glade spraying away, whilst vaping the same thing
@Robzki Playstation controller mod has been playing on my mind, Thinking of a fire button on the middle back, out of the way of all other buttons, and a 510 fitting on a flexible but rigid tube/pipe, pop on a clearo and away you go, should not really be that hard a mod to make, but all depends on what voltages/wattages the ps3 controller puts out :P

ps3 controller is 3.7 volts, so vaping on that is possible, I have even found a nice battery that ups the mah on the controller lol http://www.amazon.co.uk/gadgetwarehouse-8984556806076-Battery-SIXAXIS-Controller/dp/B000RWWWJ8
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How about an E-Hookah ? One with an automatic switch like the cheap cig-alike ecigs.
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