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Ah I shall let it steep for a while :)
Ye I recokn 12mg would be a bit strong in this tank as well.
Will you be doing anymore Cinnamon Churros, was really nice that :)
heads up people.

stock still available and 2 NEW flavors added to 3mg

can you spot them :)
Sorry all forgot to add we have a few new flavours. Cremango, Strawberry Fields and a few others including apple juice.
Ive still got a stack of flavourings left so thought we should make some new flavours.
We will be making more flavours over coming weeks until we run out of flavours so these are limited edition and once there gone there gone.
some of the old recipes will be made but not all will be available.
Hopefully next week we didn't have much nicotine but now its arrived we can make some more anything specific u after.

if we can get enough interest in a specific flavour we may be able to make sooner.
@molejuice.milk mole,donuts vanilla custard and muffin mole for me.
I see you have a couple of muffin mole left but wanted to order all at the same time.
will you be doing anymore Strawberry Yogurt, Rocket Mole or Molsenberg in 6mg? Would like some strawberry fields but its ovnly 3mg. I ordered some Rocket Mole in 3mg as ther was none in 6mg, any chance you could make it 6mg? Order number is #5459
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Sorry if there isnt any available on the website then we have none left until next week when we make more. also that order is all packaged up for postage in morning
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