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@molejuice. Any idea if anyone is willing to pickup your juiceline and continue? I believe there was some chatter about this, or maybe just a general idea.

I'm kinda hooked on your strawberry yoghurt, would be a shame if I needed to find another juice.
Not at present we still have a fair amount of stock left so until its all gone we haven't had any chance to think about it
Will have a check as there may be some left but not available on website if there is I will drop u a pm tomorrow
Managed to get 300ml of moles reserve, easily my favourite juice gonna miss that one. No rocket mole which is a shame.
Will have a check as there may be some left but not available on website if there is I will drop u a pm tomorrow
If you have any secret supplies of mole milk that you would be willing to part with please let me know :)
i will be doing a stock check tonight and will update any missing stock either tonight or tomorrow and i will update facebook page and here as soon as its complete
in process of sorting stock will also have some stock available on our facebook page which will be a highest bid wins.
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