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Oh you naïve people,it really is the parents.In a country where you need a license for a dog and even one for a TV it seems perfectly settled in letting anyone copulate and spawn little basterds who they then thrust onto society to raise for them.

And the whole alcopop thing was balls too tbh.

Kids weren't ever really attracted to them.

I don't think I was very unusual as a 'kid' - I drank a bit, and I drank to get drunk because that's what it's for. Not because it's yummy.

Now, bearing that in mind, why on earth would I have chosen to try getting a bunch of 4% fizzy sweets when a cheap bottle of thunderbird got the job done so much quicker?

You know where I saw the highest consumption of alcopops?

At a bike rally.

300+ bikers in various states of hairyness wandering around a field and/or doing moped jousting clutching yellow and pink bottles of alcoholic sherbet.

The real ales and stuff didn't sell in anything like the same amount - because when you're in your 20s/30s/40s+ it's a bit of a giggle to get drunk on copious amounts of cartoony branded sweetness.
But that was the perception - alcopops made underage kids drink - whether true or not thats what was peddled
Now its happening again
Yes. And now we have beer and cider in pretty much any flavour except hops and apples ............ and nobody is turning a hair because it's no longer a 'story'. I remember at one stage 'they' were shouting people needed ID to buy a tube of glue or solvent too. :D
when I started vaping I avoided tobacco flavours. they reminded me of smoking and I can't stand them. I like strawberry, watermelon. I love vaping I can't see my self going back I hope this ban doesn't happen in the uk.

Same here. I hate tobacco flavours! I vape desert flavours like icecreams.
I think what people need to realise is that us, as humans inhaling anything other than natural pure oxygen can't be a good thing.

Not true. Breathing pure oxygen will kill you.

Only about 20% of the air we breathe is oxygen. 78% (ish) is nitrogen.

Similar thing for water. Drinking 4 litres (on average depending on body size) of water in one hour will kill you.
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