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More Lung Horror

At least now the headlines are including the fact that it’s illicit/illegal bootleg THC products as the cause and not just “its vaping, run for the hills”!
Hadn’t thought of that. On a side note I’m going staying with friends in America in a few weeks and I just know I’m going to get all sorts of grief over this.
5 dead now and flavoured e-cigarettes have been banned in Michigan according to the BBC.
I think what people need to realise is that us, as humans inhaling anything other than natural pure oxygen can't be a good thing. But that's something we can't avoid in our world today, car pollution, roadworks, neighbours burning fire pits and/or rubbish, there's unnatural toxins in the air everywhere. Non smokers/vapers are exposed to harmful things every day.

Now we know Smoking is bad, it's been proven over and over, I used to smoke heavy, and my body felt a mess when on ciggs. I went off ciggs completely, and turned to vaping. I noticed an improvement in my overall health within a couple weeks, been vaping 4 years now. I always have my vape with me, and admit I do chain vape, and have done since the start. The first 3 years I was very Pro vape, no issues, I make my own liquid, I have used the same ACRY4 Double flavor all this time, with a 50/50 PG VG mix, and 18mg Nic.

Over the past year though I do feel discomfort in my chest, it does feel like my "lungs hurt" and do get shortness of breathe similar to when I smoked. I notice phlegm buildup at the back of my throat, and whilst this could be attributed to 1000s of things, I lean towards my vaping being the culprit. I know many here are pro vape, and without a doubt these news articles scaremonger, but to believe there are no issues, minor, or big, with vaping is a little naive IMO. Whilst my first post, I have been a lurker for awhile, and got great info on this site over time. I plan to quit vaping cold turkey as a new years resolution for 2020, not because of the news articles, simply because I "feel" it's having a negative affect on my body now, again, it may not be vaping, but I'll see how I feel after quitting.

I think another thing us vapers need to admit to ourselves, whilst there's no conrete evidence vaping causes illness or worse, there's no evidence to say it doesn't! We are all pretty much vaping blind, this is still a new craze in the grand scheme, nobody...literally nobody knows the long term health implications of vaping, good....or bad.
Apparently, inhaling only natural pure oxygen is a very bad thing

I plan to quit vaping cold turkey as a new years resolution for 2020, not because of the news articles, simply because I "feel" it's having a negative affect on my body now, again, it may not be vaping, but I'll see how I feel after quitting.

Why wait for an arbitrary date like January 1st?

What's wrong with another arbitrary date, like today?

When I quit smoking and switched to vaping, the only thing I waited for was the opportunity to go shopping...
Glad I don't consume much media bar Radio4. Thankfully they DID mention that these events happened with use of THC and or other stuff.
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