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MTL Squonkable rebuildable


Nov 17, 2021
Hi All,

I'm after a rebuildable MTL that comes with a BF pin.
vapefly galaxies rdta has been suggested as a good candidate but can't track one down,
Anyone have one of these that they would like to exchange for some beer vouchers ?
Also Vandy Vape Requiem RDA (not kit, but a single rda with 3 top caps) is a decent one. Some say it is too airy but i find it rather enjoyable.
Been curious about that Salix RDA myself, shame it's sold out, looks like a nice atty :)
I think I used to have a "real" one of those at some point!

For me these days? ETNA 18mm BF RDA.

Various airflow blocks included! :)

Problem is, can't find them anymore! :(

Anyone got one kicking around in a drawer anywhere? :hmm::18:
Washington Vapes have the original Vandy Vape Berserker (SS or Gold only) for £8.99. 18mm with 22 and 24mm beauty rings - might be worth a look.
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