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MTL Squonkable rebuildable

Also Vandy Vape Requiem RDA (not kit, but a single rda with 3 top caps) is a decent one. Some say it is too airy but i find it rather enjoyable.
Was looking at this one too, might see if I can grab one of these too, if the MTL still doesn't suit I can always stick the larger airflow inserts back in - win win !
Thanks for all the suggestions - spoilt for choice now !

did you see the post i linked about this one in your other thread. i’d avoid it. a noisy attie that sounds like a broken radiator might be as intrusive as a big cloud. :)
did you see the post i linked about this one in your other thread. i’d avoid it. a noisy attie that sounds like a broken radiator might be as intrusive as a big cloud. :)
I can live with a bit of noise, but I can always take a drill to it ! :)
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