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My E-liquid has nasty taste

I seem to gravitate towards sweet tobacco, caramels, (ry4 and ry8 especially) etc I've tried a few fruits but only once in a while, some I find too sweet, on the other hand I have brought hangsten coffee but like my actual drink 'it must have three sugars!!!'
I used to smoke clan pipe tobacco which is a blend of Cavendish and allsorts and is quite sweet and would love to have that in a liquid but yet to play with extracting my own flavours.
I need to find a sweetner for the tobaccos, a spearmint that could be a little sweeter and the coffee.
I find the sweet flavours like parma violet ( not the bluestar one) are nicer on a small clearomizer. it's early days but I'm settling I just need to find a good short fill supplier for the ry8 and ry4
I made some ry4 double with vanilla about 2 weeks ago and it was great at first but now it starting to lose all flavour become quite bland, so more fuel for my steeping scepticism.

Maybe you just prefer the taste of it before it changes. But the fact that it has changed - whether for the better or worse (which is subjective) - surely verifies that steeping does have an effect, no?
Violet is quite a strong flavour and can easily taste perfumey at too high a concentration. i really like it and us it a lot, but only in small amounts. It might just be that this mob aren’t really very good at mixing up a recipe.
I seem to gravitate towards sweet tobacco, caramels, (ry4 and ry8 especially) etc I've tried a few fruits but only once in a while, some I find too sweet, on the other hand I have brought hangsten coffee but like my actual drink 'it must have three sugars!!!'
I used to smoke clan pipe tobacco which is a blend of Cavendish and allsorts and is quite sweet and would love to have that in a liquid but yet to play with extracting my own flavours.
I need to find a sweetner for the tobaccos, a spearmint that could be a little sweeter and the coffee.
I find the sweet flavours like parma violet ( not the bluestar one) are nicer on a small clearomizer. it's early days but I'm settling I just need to find a good short fill supplier for the ry8 and ry4
not the cheapest but worth every penny and not an ry4 but take a gander at Manabush who do backy infused juices that i honestly cant be without even after 3 years https://manabush.com/
and they have a new range out Indigene which ive not tried yet but there is much hype about them.
Could be worth checking bestcigliquid out of you like tobacco flavours, their desert ship is lovely. Have a look at their NET range (naturally extracted tobacco), some lovely tobaccos.

However, as the others have mentioned, manabush is cream of the crop if your after sweet tobaccos
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