Hi Bish, like your mod. How about a list of parts, prices, links to where you bought them from. This would be much appreciated and a great help.
Many thanks, Tony.
i haven't priced them up im to scared to lol cost more then wanted then to but i have all the stuff to make more if i want to now as i have all the stuff for the artwork ect just need more dna20/30 chips and chargers.
im making a few more shells at the moment.
i had to take holiday from work that i didnt know i had so iv had plenty of time to tinker with them. i will post some more pics later of the new shells. still waiting for screen cradles to turn up for the next few im making
They are very nice bish! I've been looking at getting a DNA20/30 mod. Love the fact they have a metal body. When you've got an idea of price etc., be sure to shout out loud and clear - I would be very interested in one.