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My first dual coil... holy ****!


May 20, 2014
Well guys I got my Fogger V4.0 today and proceeded to try and build it. Started off a right pain the the arse but after a few failed attempts I finally got the hang of it and it has blew my mind! My first time was great for a few puffs but then I tasted the dreaded machine oil I heard so much about. This was after washing 3 times but I hadn't removed the 510 screw which runs right up into the deck. After draining and dry burning I began to see the oil boiling to the surface.

After ridding as much of the oil I could this is what I ended up with :D 7 wraps of 0.1x0.8mm kanthal wrapped around my wee nail and boy oh boy does it kick like a bloody muel.


Been messing with it for around an hour now with no wicking issues but for the first 5 minutes or so I could still taste the machine oil slightly which wasn't good but it's all gone now.

Really happy with this monster the only bad thing is that I'm going to seriously have to increase my stock of juice :D

I also straightened the coils a little bit after this so they were equally spaced and perfectly horizontal, a wee bit ocd maybe but thats what gets it perfect!
I also straightened the coils a little bit after this so they were equally spaced and perfectly horizontal, a wee bit ocd maybe but thats what gets it perfect!

Looking good, what ohms are they reading?
I may have to try out that ribbon wire, it looks nice. I'm curious what ohm that's at though. Pretty pretty coils though!
I also straightened the coils a little bit after this so they were equally spaced and perfectly horizontal, a wee bit ocd maybe but thats what gets it perfect!

I love ribbon 1mm x 0.1mm my current fave
covers so much wick and really focussed flavour.
Just enjoying my recoiled rda at 0.22 ohms, first time in months I've been able to quit chain-vaping :P

posted by an idiot via [email protected] ohms:P
I really have no idea what ohms it is but it was extremely difficult to pack all that wire in there :D Easiest way I've found to get it in the Fogger is to try and roughly get your coils the width of the posts and screw one in initially to make things a bit easier, without wrapping the wire around the posts. Then do the same for the other, tighten down really good and bobs your uncle. Not sure if I'm explaining very well but in the end up each screw should have a coil leg on either side :)

No idea of what ohms? Really? Dangerous domain to be delving in not checking your ohms on builds in my humble opinion.
I'm sure it's fine. I'm running on a 30A VTC5 and when I made a single coil around the same nail previously with 4/5 wraps it came out at 0.8ohms and considering that I'm now rocking 7 wraps I'm sure it's within a safe limit :)
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