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My Intro, so I can actually use the feckin' forum


Apr 26, 2014
I'm 21 and currently studying Product Design at Portsmouth uni.

It all started when my flatmate came home after christmas holidays with an iTastse SVD, I saw this nectar cloud light saber and that was it.

Bitten by the vape bug.

I'm sure as with many of you, you just want to learn more, buy more, VAPE MOREE.

Started with a Vamo now we here
Welcome new person.
First time I've seen a new user with shinyitus.
ymI8lN1392261270.gif flatmates they are all the same let them out
on their own and you never know what they will bring home :grin2:
Welcome to the planet! Just be warned that once you e got enough posts to access the rest of the forum it's basically like opening Pandora's box :D
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