Hi all. New member here and have been vaping around 5 years. I'll apologise upfront for this long winded start but feel it's necessary understand why I've joined up and posted. Currently using a Smok p25 with a newly purchased Horizontech falcon 2 tank after using a Smok TFV12 for while which I never really liked. My issue is with vape juice. I have Autism so get fixed to certain things, even if I don't like them. Sometimes through fear I may end up fixed on something worse. For years I've been vaping Vapegoo fresh strawberry and whilst it's not bad, it's not all that great either. I typically vape one of their 120ml bottles in a week. I'm trying to branch out into other flavours and brands but finding it hard to find decent vape juice, which comes in a decent volume and is still decently priced. A 120ml from vapegoo works out to be around £8. I've just gone through a 50ml shortfall dinner lady juice in 2 days which cost £15. Can anyone help with good recommendations as I'm not in a position to buy higher priced vape juice regularly and is usually a once in a blue moon treat? Many thanks all and if you need to know anything else, please just ask.