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need help got Vandy Vape Kylin V2

The ones that came with it would be a good place to start

i have
Twisted Coil 0.70 ohm
i do have
Confused. You say you have twisted coils at 0.7ohm but picture says 0.2ohm. If you have 0.7ohm coils then use them as that'll be 0.35ohm dual. If they're 0.2ohm they might not read correctly as a dual & your mod may not fire.
Confused. You say you have twisted coils at 0.7ohm but picture says 0.2ohm. If you have 0.7ohm coils then use them as that'll be 0.35ohm dual. If they're 0.2ohm they might not read correctly as a dual & your mod may not fire.
yeah this is them but 0.70ohm i just wont show the type i have sorry should of sad
You can use pretty much whatever coils you like. Claptons, fused claptons, Aliens, twisted, flat. It's all down to personal preference. Plenty of room in the kylin for whatever takes your fancy.

Just remember to push the coils out slightly towards the side airflow vents. Don't keep them dead centre.
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