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Need help with coil stuff


Feb 24, 2014
I have building my own coils for my kanger evod's and have tried no end of combinations. I've found using 0.25mm 30AWG micro coil I'm getting approx 10-11winds coming in at approx 2.2ohms. That's fine for me with standard ego. I've tried 1.8 and 2.5 ohm and find the 2.2 where I like it. I'm using cotton wick and have experimented with lots of different thicknesses ranging from leaking tank - too tight to draw liquid, so I feel I've got it just right now.

Any way I've been noticing with my Berry cheesecake juice that, although i've been getting good vapour with my recoils the flavour has backed off, normally get that lovely creaminess with that juice but nothing beyond fist draw, I put that down to a bit of vapours tongue as I've been using it as my ADV. So today some new evod coils arrived and I needed to change my coil, so for ease I just banged one in (standard 2.2ohm). Straight away that lovely creaminess and flavour was back. Wierd. Also the vapour production was as good as my recoils and in actual fact a lot denser if that makes sense.

I'm really puzzled now. Everything points to cotton micro coils being the better choice for flavour and vape production, but I'm getting a better result from standard coils.

Is it the juice I'm using?
Is it the standard ego not making the best of it?
Or maybe silica wick performing better then cotton?

I've made a coupe up using silica instead of cotton I will give a try later just in case.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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I use silica, cotton and ekowool in different devices, but to be honest I don't find much in it regarding taste and vapour production. Cotton is convenient for me in a dripper as I can change flavours quickly, while silica and ekowool suit me in my kayfuns as I don't use microcoils in them, and accidentally dry burning ekowool or silica isn't a problem unlike burning cotton where I may have to empty the tank and rewick. I think go with whatever works - if you are enjoying silica more than cotton in your clearo then stay with that and enjoy :)
Whatever works best for you really but there's only so far you can take it with an evod set up. What batteries are you using ?
Standard ego at the min, waiting for my vamo to come from fasttech via snail mail.

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