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Need help with wicking.


Feb 24, 2014
Hi guys and girls

I've been rebuilding my evod/protank heads for a few weeks now and have encountered a big problem. Flavour.

Now I've tried micro coils between 1.5ohm to 2.5ohm tried different kanthals and different wind sizes. Also tried cotton and silica wicks,still no flavour. The microcoils are giving huge vapour production nice and thick. But No sweetness,no flavour. I've also tried replicating the standard coil which I have done with great success hitting 2.2ohm 6 winds which is what the head I like was and still no flavour. As soon as I put standard kanger coil head in flavours back. Weird.

It's a real head scratcher. Anyways I thought about it and the common denominator in all this is the silica wick. So I took out a day old real kanger coil head, took out wick and dry burned slightly ( only took a sec as it was clean anyway), rewicked with my silica I've been using and bam, no flavour.

Im using 2mm silica I bought from a company on eBay. Could it be that for what ever reason the silica I'm using from eBay is some how restricting the flavour? I mean if I put it in the standard head and it instantly mutes flavour it has to be right Doesn't it?

Has anybody come across this before?

Can anybody recommend where to buy 2mm silica that's tried and tested?

I don't want to use cotton as I use desert/creamy juices and I find that mutes the flavour anyway.

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Are you using the same flavour liquid? It sounds like a case of the furry tongue to me, try vaping on something completely opposite in flavour or a menthol type liquid, and then go back to the liquid you are having the problem with.
I have a peppermint, and snake oil which I use through my rda which I rotate with

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Pressed reply by mistake then before I finished, lol

Anyway I use peppermint and snake oil as well. Both big flavours. Still no change. I can taste them okay. As I said as soon as I out standard kanger head in the flavour comes back.

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Pressed reply by mistake then before I finished, lol

Anyway I use peppermint and snake oil as well. Both big flavours. Still no change. I can taste them okay. As I said as soon as I out standard kanger head in the flavour comes back.

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Stealthvape is one of the best for all of your silicas and kanthal wire. Regards your flavour or lack of, are you strangling your wick? I lay a thin sewing needle, really thin one, alongside my wick then wind the kanthal round them both. Leave the needle in while setting the head up, then remove. I use .20 kanthal 4/5 wraps. Once set up leave 10-15 mins to let juice wick. Ha ho bobs your aunty. Hope this helps.
I'm using 1.5mm rap which is exactly the same as kanger use. Well the thing I use to rap around fits into standard coil exactly the same. The wick fits in and out the same too, not to loose not to tight.

I'll have a look at that company, have you used there silica? I swear my silica is filtering the flavouring as it get good vapour production, no dry hits no flooding, just no flavour.

I read somewhere about German silica being better. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

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Have you tried replacing the silica with natural unbleached cotton? Also are you torching the silica before use? I found torching it with either a blow lamp or gas hob made a big difference.
I thought i had squid ink furry tounge up until 2 nights ago when i rebuilt my T3S heads. Loads of flavor now.

7/6 0.25mm Kanthal micro on SS mesh with flamed voodoo flavor wick on top. Took abit of playing around to get through some leaky problems but im amazed how much flavor im getting.
Ye I've tried cotton, it's a bit better but with the flavours I prefer mainly custard/ cheesecake it's seems to mute flavour, I don't seem to get the creaminess from it. Works fine with fruity flavours although I would still say I prefer the standard kanger coil silica wick.

The voodoo wick is a possibility, I was looking at that earlier. Little concerned about fit though on 1.5mm coil. Think it will be tight which may not help.

If I'm getting good results with standard kanger coil with the wick they use which is silica id be happy to replicate that. It's just the silica I'm using seems to take away flavour it's really strange. I'd of thought silica is silica but maybe I'm wrong.

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I flame my wicks still no different, I also for the sake of trying didn't, not really any noticeable difference.

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