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nemesis question


Apr 14, 2013
Is there a way of unscrewing the black delrin on the 510 connector?
My nemesis with the kayfun has a gap of about a quarter of a mm (if that) but its enough to annoy me. If I can unscrew the delrin slightly it will solve my issue but I cant get it to move.
If youve undone the brass connector and it still dont sit sweet a metal plate between the two will work. Ive got one i can send you x its an airflow
I've got a Kayfun on top of mine and there's zero gap - I do use the Kick ring mind.

Other than that, I've had a similar problem myself with another device and I just heated up a pallet knife (you know, the things plasterers use) till it was red hot and then lightly (very feckin lightly) pushed the delrin on to it. It then burnt off a tiny bit of delrin. Leave it to cool down and then shave the sides with a Stanley.

It's better to do it this way than slice the thing with a Stanley on it's own as it has a much cleaner finish.

Very, very feckin lightly mind or you'll end up with a bit of burning plastic stuck to your finger. :grin2:
on my nemesis its push in and out, not threaded, you should be able to push it in and out
clint That surprises me. There is a lot of adjustment on a Nemi. Is it a nipple top battery? Have you turned it round?
You could rub down the pin with emery cloth.
It was nothing to do with the battery. The bottom of the 510 connector on the kayfun was sitting on the top of black delrin of the nemesis top cap creating a gap between mod and atty.

It was barely noticeable but if I held it to the light I could see through it so was slightly bugged.
I always unscrew the positive pin out before attaching an atty and then put the pin in afterwards.
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