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New (but old?) Vaper


May 13, 2014
Hiya peeps,

About time I posted, been lurking for too long, and now that I have started expanding my collection I might need a few questions answered.

OK a lil bit about moi vape history, been smoke free since 27/06/2011, haven’t had a stinky since 1100am that Mon morn, all those years ago.

Started off on a tornado-t from TW, was a right pain in the butt, but I did stick with it and used it for about 6 months, before upgrading to the boge cartos. Simple days. Horrible leaky, simple days.

Well at the mo, I have a Stingray with a Helios running a .7ohm duel coil, got a couple of other drippers, a couple of mechs and a MVP2.

Got a whole list of gear I want to get, but (to borrow GG's phrase) bring out the vape budget hands.

That’s about it for now.

Cheers for reading.

Welcome to the planet :) ah the good old days of the tornado kits. I started on a TW Titan kit and it seemed the dogs danglies at the time! Things have come a long way! What is on your shopping list?
Hi DrGreenThumb! Welcome to the Planet! :welcome2:

I too started off with a TW kit in September last year, soon ditched the plastic cartos for evods but the twist is still going and in my friends possession as I've managed to convert her.
Welcome dude ....oh look at the shiny shiny...he he

Sent from my HTC One mini using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

TW was a life saver back in the day, pricey, but so is a daily box of 20! Still got my original tornado kit.

I have got a copper nemesis on the way, its a clone, but I wanted to see what the fuss about copper mechs is before I shell out a small fortune on the real deal!

Also got my eye on Hana DNA30, because I liked the way the kick2 was with my 18490 IMR's, before I moved onto the purple efests, and regulated power is much better than straight through battery power, right????

Anywayz, going to log off before I start a flame-war about regulated versus non-regulated....


Hi and welcome to POTV. Always good to see a lurker come out of the shadows :)
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