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New flavours dropping tomorrow night! [emoji7]

Well it's definitely not happy shopper cola (see other thread)

0.3 ohm ss316 on the broadside/wasp

I am getting coca cola as in proper coke with a big slice of lime in it

Big coke hit to start then the lime/citrus flavour comes through and leaves you with that proper coke taste in your mouth!

I ordered extra juicy, going to have to get some on ice because coke lime in a big glass full of ice on a summers day is going to be pukka

Good stuff mate! I’m pleased you like it [emoji16]

Still cracking up over happy shopper, I didn’t even realise that was still a thing [emoji23]
Really nice mate, another top juice!

Happy shopper is something to do with londis now I think, but we are a bit behind the times here!
so you've had crack, now coke? is this original recipe coke? with the proper stuff in there to?

Bollocks. I might have to order the coke now - if it’s a zinger with proper coke and sharp lime flavours then it’s too tempting!!!
@Lee now that you have nailed Cola are you going to accept the Irn Bru challenge?
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