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New member from South Africa


New Member
May 30, 2015
Hi all,

I have been vaping exclusively for two and a half months. Already a member of the SA forum, but I remembered how great the people were on the UK airgun forums and decided to join here as well.
Might just learn something different here. My forum name has been with me a while, the SA bit referring to South Africa and the Viper bit because I love snakes. I like do do some DIY juices and rebuilding to keep busy and help keep me off the cigs.

Have a great one
Hello and a warm welcome to POTV nice to meet you hope you enjoy this great forum.
Hello and welcome....my lady grew up in 'siff iffrica' she loves that country..her sister still lives there.
Hi and welcome to the Planet

Hi There and Welcome Aboard! :D
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