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Apr 12, 2013
Thought I would say hello I have been lurking for a few weeks and decided to take the plunge,I have been cigarette free for 7 weeks now thanks to being introduced to vaping. I t took a while to find a set up and juice to suit but I have settled with the vision spinner and vivi nova tank with Arthurs seat and swedish fish as my prefered juices. I was a 50 a day roll up smoker and have found a lot of great tips here ,so thank to all who regularly post.Hope to hear from others as to their experiences .Cheers Gordon
Hello Gordon. What are those juices? Are they tobacco flavours? I smoked roll ups for almost 20 years and been looking for a juice that resembles a good roll up. I am yet to find a good tobacco flavour that doesn't make me feel sick. I did enjoyed my roll ups.
Hi The Arthurs seat is a tobacco flavor, I find it pretty close to hitting the spot I get it from my local store Emporium Vapour
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