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Jan 12, 2016
Hi ya, so this is probably my first real post here. I'll try and be as through as possible.

For background, I'm using a Kanger Kbox with subtank mini, currently installed is a 1.5ohm coil but I intend to switch to 1.2ohm coils soon. Typically vaping at 19W, no nic juice.

I intend to start mixing my own juices, so I have a bunch of gear bought and ready: 100ml, 50ml, 20ml, 5ml, 2.5ml syringe's, 10ml & 100ml bottles, PG, VG, Concentrate's, etc.

I just have a couple of silly questions.

The easiest or quickest way to test a new flavor? Obviously a new and and coil each time would be expensive, so what's a realistic option or two?

Are some tanks really better than others, long term, given that the subtank mini pretty much does what I want and I'm pretty happy with it? I mean, is there something else that will 'change my vaping life' so to speakspeak?

Now, back to the mixing, I'm pretty sure I'll try by volumes at first, by the drips just sounds so long and tedious for me. I know the only way I'll really know how I get on will be to get on and start, but what I'm after are the silly mistakes, the things where you wish someone would have said, "oh by the way..." but they didn't because it should have been blindingly obvious. Of course, I'll appreciate any other useful tips very muchly.

Thanks for reading, take it easy!
Top priority for juice testing is a dripper (RDA) as you can just put a few drops in to see if it's any good or needs a steep or modifications. Quick change of wick/rinse and you're ready for the next flavour. Can be picked up very cheaply from FT. Any one that you like the look of will do but probably one that works with a single coil if you'll only be using it for testing.

I have found mixing each new flavour individually to be a good idea. This lets you find out what % works best as a standalone and what works best as part of a recipe. You can then combine drops of different flavours in the dripper to see what works together.
Thanks for the speedy reply Mr N! The Kanger kit came with an RDA (I think) with a coil installed and a spare, plus cotton, so it sounds like I can drip test for no extra cost.

One question does come to mind, I've heard that flavors and more intense when dripping? Is this an exaggeration? I would still be able to get an idea of the balance though?
Yes you should get a fair representation of ratios etc. I think you may be talking about an RBA - small rebuildable chamber that screws into the sub tank mini? - if so, have a look at RDAs as the RBA still requires you to put juice in the tank.
Yeah, sounds like you're right, I'll have a gander and see what I can see, thanks for your help so far!
That looks like it could be handy for my situation, cheers Blaster.

As it happens, a friend at work has just gifted me a Velocity RDA and an Aspire Atlantis tank. Am I right in thinking, as I now have the Atlantis, that I can just drip (to effect) with that?
Yeah I looked up the Atlantis, no idea where I had the notion I could just drip down the chimney, lol, it was early and before my fourth coffee. Cheers Blaster :)
The Velocity will be fine for juice testing. It works fine with a single coil and you can just make the wick slightly longer than the coil without having it go down into the juice well if you want to test with the minimum of liquid.
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