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New Mixer

Silly / blinding obvious comments at your request:-
  • Decide your recipe
  • write it down
  • lay ingredients out
  • follow to the letter
  • LABEL YOUR MIX so you know what it is
  • Mix in SMALL batches first
  • No point trying 100ml on your first go to be epic fail - start at 10ml max (recipe by % anyway so easy to bulk up if Ok)
  • note your suppliers / makers (makers flavours vary wildly even for 'same' ones)
  • Note your VG/PG ratio as this will impact recipes
  • note blend date so you can judge if / how long steeping is required
  • read up in the Mixology section
  • Mix single flavours or follow clone recipe to start
  • Leave head room in bottles to allow good shake (I tend to mix 80% of bottle i.e - 8ml in 10ml, 40 in 50, 80 in 100 etc)
  • heat your mix (water bath best, can do micro) after blending
  • If using micro -NOT FOR LONG, you can melt the plastic easily. Circa 4 seconds @ 10ml, 6 ~ 8 seconds on bigger bottles, never above 10 in my experience (water bath better but takes longer, leave bottle (closed) floating in hot water for a few minutes)
  • Once hot shake, shake,shake, shake your booty
  • Vent the air & shake again
  • Vent the air
  • Label the bottle with ALL relevant info - Flavour name that corresponds to your records, VG%, Nic mg, blend date, volume etc
  • Sit back and toot the cheapest liquid known to man
  • if it is pants let it steep and go back later
  • if it is complete rank after ages what have you lost on 10ml? - Less than a quid and 10 minutes of your life
  • If it is good it can be remade.
  • wear latex (etc) gloves if you want (advised for nic but many don't bother - including me normally)
  • Regardless of gloves or not BE CAREFUL, ESPECIALLY with nic base
  • Close nic (and others) ASAP after using
  • Clean spills of nic IMMEDIATEY if occur
  • Wash hands if get nic on them
  • Be careful with nic - keep away from kids & animals
  • Measure ingredients accurately
That should pretty much cover the basics I think.
Be careful & have fun.
Hope you don't mind me jumping in here, but can you suggest a suitable dripper for a newbie then? I have around a dozen 10ml flavours steeping at the moment and there must be a better and easier way to test them. I'm also looking to start mixing multiple flavours in the near future, so a dripper sounds like being an essential piece of kit and not a toy, as my wife calls my vaping gear.
For testing mixes I found a single coil in the derringer perfect.
Silly / blinding obvious comments at your request:-
  • Decide your recipe
  • write it down
  • lay ingredients out
  • follow to the letter
  • LABEL YOUR MIX so you know what it is
  • Mix in SMALL batches first
  • No point trying 100ml on your first go to be epic fail - start at 10ml max (recipe by % anyway so easy to bulk up if Ok)
  • note your suppliers / makers (makers flavours vary wildly even for 'same' ones)
  • Note your VG/PG ratio as this will impact recipes
  • note blend date so you can judge if / how long steeping is required
  • read up in the Mixology section
  • Mix single flavours or follow clone recipe to start
  • Leave head room in bottles to allow good shake (I tend to mix 80% of bottle i.e - 8ml in 10ml, 40 in 50, 80 in 100 etc)
  • heat your mix (water bath best, can do micro) after blending
  • If using micro -NOT FOR LONG, you can melt the plastic easily. Circa 4 seconds @ 10ml, 6 ~ 8 seconds on bigger bottles, never above 10 in my experience (water bath better but takes longer, leave bottle (closed) floating in hot water for a few minutes)
  • Once hot shake, shake,shake, shake your booty
  • Vent the air & shake again
  • Vent the air
  • Label the bottle with ALL relevant info - Flavour name that corresponds to your records, VG%, Nic mg, blend date, volume etc
  • Sit back and toot the cheapest liquid known to man
  • if it is pants let it steep and go back later
  • if it is complete rank after ages what have you lost on 10ml? - Less than a quid and 10 minutes of your life
  • If it is good it can be remade.
  • wear latex (etc) gloves if you want (advised for nic but many don't bother - including me normally)
  • Regardless of gloves or not BE CAREFUL, ESPECIALLY with nic base
  • Close nic (and others) ASAP after using
  • Clean spills of nic IMMEDIATEY if occur
  • Wash hands if get nic on them
  • Be careful with nic - keep away from kids & animals
  • Measure ingredients accurately
That should pretty much cover the basics I think.
Be careful & have fun.

Thanks John, that's a great checklist! Just trying to make sure what's in my head is what others are doing, I'm hopefully starting off simple and will see how it goes. Cheers again :)
Hope you don't mind me jumping in here, but can you suggest a suitable dripper for a newbie then? I have around a dozen 10ml flavours steeping at the moment and there must be a better and easier way to test them. I'm also looking to start mixing multiple flavours in the near future, so a dripper sounds like being an essential piece of kit and not a toy, as my wife calls my vaping gear.

The gizmo Blaster links too in post #6 looks good for testing, and cheap. I think ecigstore also had an RDA down from £13 to £5, no idea on delivery though, or how good it'll be for that matter. Plenty of sites have sales & clearances on atm (post xmas/new year stock?) just have a browse. :)

@b road blaster , thank you for suggesting this bridgeless atomizer. It sounds perfect for trying lots of liquids without getting into rebuilding coils.

A few questions:
Is there any wicking material inside?
Does it need to be cleaned when changing liquids or from time to time?
It looks like it comes with a small coil inside. When it needs replacing, do you get a new atomizer or can you just change the coil inside?
Ha ha! Quite impressive how much vapour he can draw from just a few drops.

He doesn't seem to be very found of his child though!

I am convinced, @b road blaster, thank you so much for the tip. I just ordered one from the Alchemist's Cupboard. Reasonable investment at £4.60 and it looks like it will make liquid testing sooo much easier. I have 10+ recipes steeping and I can't wait to try them.
I have the bridgeless atomizer too, although I found it does need cleaning between flavours. I've taken to boiling it, and my nautilus coils to reuse them. So far so good on that score, but I don't know how often I can get away with boiling them before they need replacing, so I treated myself to the velocity clone for £11 off Amazon. Now that I have my coiling kit, I can just rewick between flavours when testing.

The problem is, I've got around 14-16 juices ready for testing, but just when I thought I'd got over that flu virus thingy that's doing the rounds, and chest infection, it's back with a vengeance. Bronchial passages so choked up breathing is a real problem once again, so I'm not vaping, for fear of it irritating the situation. I hope this second course of anti-biotics kicks it's butt this time coz I'm missing my vaping.:17:
Get better @pava. I just went through the same last week-end and am just recovering. My taste buds are back, what can be worst than vaping your top production and not tasting anything?!
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