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New old Drone !.

The soft bottle from the therion 75c is a perfct fit on the original drone l just tried it, and the door doesn't move when l squonk
To be honest I don't know, I also don't know why they pulled the last one. They are very cagey and give nothing away when I speak to them. Never actually asked if there were differences but will ask tomorrow. They just said they were being re-released.

One difference I know of is the squonk bottle. It is now the same as Therion BF and soft, unlike the previous one.
It could have been an internal problem with the juice transfer between the squonk bottle and 510.

I had a Drone a few months ago and had to get a refund as juice was somehow getting into the casing of the mod and travelling down and then exiting from the base of the mod. It wasn't a widespread problem as far as I'm aware, but I had spoke to a number of people who encountered the same issue.

Then again I could be completely wrong and it could be some other reason. I liked the mod but after spending that amount of money and experiencing that kind of issue it put me right off spending anything more than £60 on a mod.
By the way. Speaking to Lost Vape this morning and The Drone is being discontinued AGAIN!!

I had tried to add more to my existing order and was told they just sold last ones. I asked when was the next batch being made and told they were not and no longer will be.

Obviously I asked why and was told they are working on a new Therion BF. WTF as I said to them, every man and their dog have now made single battery squonkers, the market is flooded with them. But there are less than one handful of dual battery regulated squonkers.

Was told they would speak to designer to see about a dual battery Therion. I wonder what that will look like, a Drone maybe LOL

Crazy thinking IMO, they have a device nobody else can offer.
I bet there going to produce a 20700 Therion instead as the silly dimensions of the Drone gave it an extremely niche following compared to the Therion.
Again, that would also be pretty silly given there are so many single battery mods that take 20700. But people that buy a single batt mod soon realise and want a dual.

Whilst the Drone is big, you ain't going to get much smaller if you want 2 batts. To drop the Drone is crazy. I have sold 50 in a week and a half and lot's more prep-ordered from next batch, so there is definitely demand.
I like the drone. Don't find it big at all. Not pocket friendly I grant you but mine stays on my coffee table. I'm not daft enough to take a £120 mod out the house. ;)
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