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New RDA user with flavour issues!?

Although my experience was that that rda was a terrible dripper. It's designed for squonking and has a tiny well. Worked OK but too much drippage and not enough vapage. A similar jobbie but better for dripping would be something like the advken gorge or asmodus c4. I've got both and they're better than the recurve by a long chalk - in my opinion of course...
Sorry to drag this up again, but I’m still having no luck with this thing!

Tried the coil in every position possible and got some cotton bacon prime, but getting a very VERY muted flavour and zero sweetness.

Tried everywhere between 40-80w

Also tried more cotton and less cotton. Apart from trying other coils, I don’t see any other avenue to explore?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, but I might just give it to my local vape shop and just see if he can get anything out of it.
Hi @Mike_1980 My experience with the included coils wasn't that good, may be useful if you could try an alternative coil, I use a 0.2 alien by @Smut, works well, good flavoursome vape.
I would have commented on this earlier but cant see your picture.
@glasvapour is on the money.
Fused clapton 6 wraps 3.5mm id @ 0.2ohms just peeking over the tops of the sides.
Cotton tight in coil but thinned and trimmed ends so just touching bottom and leaving room for juice to pool. :2thumbsup:
Hi @Mike_1980 My experience with the included coils wasn't that good, may be useful if you could try an alternative coil, I use a 0.2 alien by @Smut, works well, good flavoursome vape.

I would have commented on this earlier but cant see your picture.
@glasvapour is on the money.
Fused clapton 6 wraps 3.5mm id @ 0.2ohms just peeking over the tops of the sides.
Cotton tight in coil but thinned and trimmed ends so just touching bottom and leaving room for juice to pool. :2thumbsup:

Ok cool. Is there a difference between alien and fused Clapton’s?

Have you got a link to where I could get these exact coils?

Cheers for the help and sorry, but I’m such a noob at this game.
Ok cool. Is there a difference between alien and fused Clapton’s?

Have you got a link to where I could get these exact coils?

Cheers for the help and sorry, but I’m such a noob at this game.
You would have to wind from this https://www.fasttech.com/p/9643210
I think if you buy premade coils they will come in five full wraps and different internal diameters.
Winding around a 3.5mm drill bit is pretty simple tbh.
As for alien coils i believe the outer wraps are kinked.
This would probably allow them to hold a little more juice in the weave.
Maybe the issue is the juice, are you nic-shotting the juice in question and has it had a proper steeping? Are you using that same juice in another tank/kit and not experiencing these issues?
@Mike_1980 you can p.m @Smut to make you a pair of aliens, he has a good reputation on here and makes coils for a few of us, just tell him what resistance your looking for and what RDA the coil is for and he will sort you out. Perhaps a cheap squonk mod would be a good idea, certainly a lot more convenient, I always use a squonk mod with the recurve.
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