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New to rta


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
Hello, I’ve just bought a new tank the hellvape destiny, before I was on the horizon tech falcon and I’m used to having the wattage being at 55-60W I currently put the fuse Clapton 0.15 I currently have it on 40W and keep getting dry hits even tho looking at the wick it’s not dry nor burnt, but every time I vape it the second time it’s dry. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on how i can chain vape on it and also have a high wattage? Thanks (ps. Vape terms aren’t the greatest lol)
Make sure you thin out your wicks a bit, and when you tuck them into the wicking holes make sure its not stuffed too tight in there. Also make sure the cotton is not too tight thru the coil as this will choke off juice flow thus creating dry hits.
Yeah, sounds like the wicking isn't keeping up. A bit of practice will get this sorted but as Jacky says above thinning out the wicks a little might help. You want a little bit of give on the wick as well through the coil, too tight will choke off the capilliary action, too loose can also give you dry hits so it's a balance that a wee bit of mucking around with will sort out.

there's a thread here https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/.../everything-ecigs/threads/destiny-rta.193174/ you could find a good few tips on coil placement and wicking in there.
I think that wicking can be one of the most troublesome things for newbies, I've been doing it for 6 months and I still struggle sometimes.

Not too tight and not too loose. Snug, but dont stuff it down. I *think* the ends of the cotton strands are the best entry point for the liquid, so try to have these available to the liquid within the channels (i.e. don't pack them in or curl them round too tightly).

Correct me if I'm wrong.
As everyone has said, wicking is a very fine line between good and bad. Takes a bit of trial and error before you get it right. Also what works for one RTA doesnt mean it will work the same in another.
Makes it clear why stock coils are a preference for some, like buying a packaged sandwich. Anyone can make a sandwich, but it requires some time and effort to make a good sandwich, and sometimes you're on the go and just a need a sandwich on the fly, it doesn't need to be great, just functional as far as sandwiches go.
Wicking was my main worry but i just watched endless video's on youtube and seemed to have been fine so far (touch wood) you will get there in the end. Think it's why i prefer mesh it seems easier to wick though i wicked My Drop Dead without leaking, Trial and error most of the time with wicking and not everyone wicks a rebuildable the same. Good Luck you will get it right :)
Still not getting it right, still burnt hits. I’m not too sure what I’m doing, I did see a YouTube video of someone saying he got burnt hits slot aswell on the tank I have, then I read a dual coil will be better for high wattage vapers and I’m just flabogasted
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