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I was the opposite with my first rta (beserker mini) with coil loops touching I got a little popping and.spitting so tried spaced and it was fine so always used spaced since then even for dtl
My spitting has been from (attempted) non-spaced coils that do have a bit of space in them. I close up that space and they're fine.

Maybe it doesn't work that way if the coils is properly spaced all the way through... fk knows tbh...

been having a play with this glaz mine first wick was crackaly second leaked all over third spat a me and fouth.............. was perfect
Keep at it @Andy_s you'll be a master in no time.
I’m pretty sure my issues are caused by nickel, if I use nichrome for more than a few days I end up with a mouthful of large painful ulcers. I’ve been avoiding the stuff since for the last few months and I’ve hardly had any at all and when I do get them they’re small and not painful.

ss316 also contains nickel (typically 10~12%) and I don’t seem to have a problem with this. However ss904, which seems to be cropping up in some recent coils, gives me the same problem as nichrome and that has 22~28% nickel so there seems to be a tipping point for me at least.

It only took me 3 and a half years to make the connection but I now mainly try to stick to kanthal or ss316L to avoid the problem. I just wish manufacturers would be more clear about coil materials used, especially with stock coil systems... ‘mesh” is a coil type NOT a material and isn’t useful in the slightest, as it’s a minefield otherwise.
i don’t ever get atties spitting with spaced coils. i wonder if this is affected by anything else, like tightness of cotton perhaps?
as somebody that always uses stainless wire, i do t even know if it would be possible not to have them spaced. it springs out by itself and naturally leave space.
Tight wicks are the answer, I moved on to Cotton Gods because the strands seem stronger and thicker than Muji or Bacon and it seems to carry the juice to the centre of the coil regardless of how tight I wick without choking.
I hate popping and crackling so 27g kanthal makes a good firm coil that doesn’t mash up when I twist a tight wedge of cotton in, thin the ends out a bit and bingo a virtually silent tasty vape.
im using nichrome
I use it on a daily basis. Not a single problem with it.
So far, among all materials I tested, its the one that gives me better overall results.

It can be used in VW mode (Im not with TC modes), it has lower resistance, heats up and cools down faster than KA and SS, provides very good flavour and its not expensive.

I just wish manufacturers would be more clear about coil materials used, especially with stock coil systems... ‘mesh” is a coil type NOT a material and isn’t useful in the slightest, as it’s a minefield otherwise.
What does it cost FFS? All manufacturers should state the materials they used to make the coilhead.
Its not a joke, it should be rigorously stated just like allergens present on food.
My spitting has been from (attempted) non-spaced coils that do have a bit of space in them. I close up that space and they're fine.

Maybe it doesn't work that way if the coils is properly spaced all the way through... fk knows tbh...

Keep at it @Andy_s you'll be a master in no time.
I was having this prob and i switched from spaced coils to unspaced coils because i read spaced coils could become oversaturated.
Not sure if thats actually the reason but it did stop the spitting.

And yes SS coils can be unspaced, takes a little extra effort but u get used to it.
(Or u can buy them pre-wrapped, lol. I use 8 wrap 3.5 mm coils, im actually not saving much buying a spool)
I'll have to try and non spaced coil to see if if changes anything. I think the problem I had with the galaxies was the way I was wicking it tbh. I've sent it back so I'll never no. Big big point to the glaz mini there was very precise instructions how to wick it which I think massively helped. Btw I was starting on some kanthel wire I had but I needed more my local vape shop recommend the ni80 so maybe I may look at ss next maybe see which is better. It's 27 gauge.
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