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New User-Canadian


Sep 29, 2013
Hi, From Alberta. Quit an almost 40 year smoking habit due to med problem when I began vaping October 11th/12. So coming up on my 1 year Anniversary. I use an Ego C Twist with drip atomizer. Have tried bigger, fancier stuff but prefer the simple things. My fav juices are Choconilla Haze from Volcano and Snickerdoodle from Ms. T's in the USA but I have a drawer full of other juices.
My dogs name is Lucille Lee Lang and I don't know my Mom's favourite colour. Mine is pink which is the colour of my bike. :newhere: On Google which is how I found this forum.
Hi sugar! welcome to the forum :)

I have removed your email address from your post to protect your from spammers who trawl the web looking for email addresses!
Hi Sugar, welcome to the planet, if you have any questions you are likely to find an answer on here, or at least some entertainment, we've managed to teach most of the apes not to fling poop, but there are still one or two who throw everything...:lol1:
Thanks a lot for the email removal Kulr! I did think maybe I shouldn't have put that on here. Oops. Thanks as well to Tubby. I've come equipped with a pooper scooper. No worries. I don't fling back. :)
Welome to POTV Sugar. The friendliest sanatorium online.
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