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New User From Herne Bay

Welcome to the Planet !!!:welcome1: I've been Vaping for Twenty Two Months and spent about Two Grand on Gear and Juice which works out at roughly Twenty Two Pound a Week, which is about Half of the amount I spent on Stinkies!!! I've saved money on Inhalers though because I used to get one every Six to Eight Weeks and I've had the same one for Fourteen Months Now!!!
Hello and welcome to the Planet WilliamJames, the Myepack kit should be a good improvement for you. The initial set-up costs can be high, but there are things you can do to reduce costs like recoiling yourself and DIY juices. That's in the future though as you learn more about it all.

For now, just enjoy vaping and finding juices you love!
Thanks everyone. I was hoping to do a little review of all my new toys but alas, nothing came in the post today :violin:

Tomorrow will be fun though :happybday:
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