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New user in Switzerland

Welcome here - swedish should come in handy if you visit Ikea in Switzerland :D

How are you doing getting stuff in Switzerland? I thought they have banned e-cigs?
Welcome here - swedish should come in handy if you visit Ikea in Switzerland :D

How are you doing getting stuff in Switzerland? I thought they have banned e-cigs?

They have banned liquids containing nicotine here in Switzerland, but equipment and nicotine free liquids are available both via mail order and in (a few) B&M shops. Also, I am only a few km from the French border where nicotine liquids are available. I have also ordered liquids via mail order from both the UK and Spain - so far 1 out of 3 packages gets stopped by customs (25 GBP "fee" for processing). The next step for me is probably to start making my own liquid blends.

BTW, my wife works for IKEA in Switzerland :)

Welcome @IMoL. Sorry to hear about the Leeds utd. thing. How is the news being reported in switzerland?

It's really not being reported locally, but then I don't look at the Swiss media much. I am trying to stay off twitter. Madness.

New user here: Middle-aged English guy living in the frenchy part of Switzerland.

I have been vaping for a few weeks now, currently using an itaste VTR as my main device, couple of ego twists as emergency "keep me off the Camels" devices. I haven't had a stinky cig since I started vaping.

Other things about me:

I don't speak much French, but I do speak quite a bit of Swedish (no, I don't sound like that bloody chef).
For my sins I am a life-long Leeds United supporter. for some reason I currently have a thing against mad Italians.



Except for the Leeds bit - try UK Vapers instead ;)
But seriously, you have my heartfelt sympathies - life never gets easier for LUFC. Have a manager, don't have a manager - who knows what's going on!
Hello there. I have a friend who lives in Switzerland. Neuchatel I think. Haven't heard from him in years. Anyway, welcome.

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