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New user with poor experiences with other vapers

Welcome & well done on quitting
you will have a great time here @PoTV
Welcome to the Planet Robzki glad you got your misunderstanding solved looks like a innocent mistake
Thank you all for the positive welcome and the offers of juice, it really goes above and beyond what I would expect from ANY forum. I'm sure I will be here a lot :) thank you all sooooo much.

this is hopefully all sorted now, we all make mistakes and forget things but there appears to be good reason in this case. Thank you very much kulrmestoopid who has been in constant contact by pm and has reunited me with Joel. I appreciate that life has a habit of taking over and throwing us a curve ball, so don't stress about getting it posted Joel, really looking forward to trying some new flavours though. This noob vaping is an expensive game.

Thanks all again and take care


Mum helped sort it for you. Well done Mum - again.

Welcome Rob. You'll find this a lot friendlier than other places. The grumpy old men, cranky pedants and stuck up know all vape snobs avoid our Mods, who we all love, in a non biblical way, as it keeps things open and friendly and fun and helpful. Vaping is constantly changing and it's easy to get totally confooosed at times and we try to help each other out, not jump down each others throats. Hope you get a lot out of this site mate and put a bit back in.
All that kind of thing puts me on edge, it really does - even from behind a screen, keyboard and miles of wire.
Its because we vape in monkey suits and squirt half rotten banana's at the grumpy gunks!
I am loving it already, it is difficult giving up the other forum so I may carry on doing both, I'll see how it goes. As long as I can cut down a little I'm sure my health will benefit. ;)
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