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New vape juice has little to no taste


New Member
Mar 14, 2020
Hi, I opened 2 new bottles of é juice and one had no flavour and the other had very little, the coil is newish 4 or 5 days old.

Has anyone any ideas, smoking hot vaper with no taste is no fun
I'm using a aspire k3
I'm fairly new to vaping, so this could be a stupid question, sorry if it is

Thanks guys
hi @James2020 and welcome to the planet.
never a stupid question when it comes to vape.
might help if you tell us what make and flavour of juice you bought and where you bought it.
Hi MrDJ. Thanks for the reply .

I bought them online,
Strawberry mint (dinner ladie)
Howlin, can't remember the name of it, I've this one bined
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