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New vaper, not sure

Ok thanks. As I’m only a light smoker (0-5 a day) and I can go days without any quite often, I don’t feel I’m addicted to nicotine which is why I didn’t want to have it in a vape. But if it’s nicotine that gives that throat hit then I guess I’ll have to have some.

If you can go days without smoking and don't think you are addicted to nicotine ... just stop smoking.
If you can go days without smoking and don't think you are addicted to nicotine ... just stop smoking.

Yes, my addiction is the habit of hand to mouth, the hit to the throat. And the habit of relaxing outside with a smoke after a hard day. I could just stop but I enjoy it. I’d just rather enjoy something a bit less harmful to my health.
Yes, my addiction is the habit of hand to mouth, the hit to the throat. And the habit of relaxing outside with a smoke after a hard day. I could just stop but I enjoy it. I’d just rather enjoy something a bit less harmful to my health.
Your a perfect candidate for vaping.Don't be too scared of nicotine (it's found in cauliflower although in a smaller dosage).It's the thousand of other cancerogenic in a cigarette that you'll be avoiding.
Personally i would try a tobacco flavour (you might need to try a few to decide on one you like) and keep to as much of the habit of smoking as you can.Go outside to vape etc.
Top tip a little menthol in a poor juice works wonders.
Yes, my addiction is the habit of hand to mouth, the hit to the throat. And the habit of relaxing outside with a smoke after a hard day. I could just stop but I enjoy it. I’d just rather enjoy something a bit less harmful to my health.
If you want to get some throat hit then you'll need nicotine. Maybe 6mg might be enough or possibly even 3mg. As @Miss Pepper said just go to a pound shop or B&M and buy some 88vape in varying nic levels and try them and see what suits and gives you what you need, start low and move up if it doesn't work for you, their menthol is pretty decent.
Yes, my addiction is the habit of hand to mouth, the hit to the throat. And the habit of relaxing outside with a smoke after a hard day. I could just stop but I enjoy it. I’d just rather enjoy something a bit less harmful to my health.

Ok, that's fair enough... sorry for being a bit sharp.

It's tricky, to know what to recommend because my (and most others I suspect) situation was a lot different.

I wanted to stop smoking and I think I was pretty addicted to nicotine (and smoking more generally) it was still difficult to stop but vaping the nicotine made it a lot easier than everything else I tried ... it sounds like you don't really want to stop smoking and you aren't really that addicted, which is kind of the opposite. :D

I still miss smoking, I used to really enjoy it but I have learned to enjoy vaping too.

I guess I would say try to replace your smoking habits as closely as you can, baccy flavours, 12mg and only vape when you would have smoked. You have a good chance that you might be able to replace one with the other then.
Thanks all l’ll give it a try with some nicotine
Good luck! Hope you find what works for you and keeps you off the cigs. Good thing is, once you find what nic level works for you it will open up a whole world of liquid for you to enjoy.
Coffee is another robust flavor if u dont get along with a tobacco flavor (tobacco can be tricky to find a good one)
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