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New wick


Jan 23, 2016
Why does new wick taste so wrank for the first half a tank or so? I find myself putting off rewicking because of it and have used all sorts of different cotton (currently using cotton bacon) it's such a waste of good juice too. This is after I've dry burnt the coil too. Pre made coils don't taste bad when new so why does fresh cotton?
I got it really bad with cotton bacon but every other one I have used is spot on maybe the first 1 or 2 puffs aren't as good but that's all for me
Why does new wick taste so wrank for the first half a tank or so? I find myself putting off rewicking because of it and have used all sorts of different cotton (currently using cotton bacon) it's such a waste of good juice too. This is after I've dry burnt the coil too. Pre made coils don't taste bad when new so why does fresh cotton?
I've never noticed really. Do you wash your hands before handling the cotton? And I hope you don't lick your fingers to twiddle the end !
I've never noticed really. Do you wash your hands before handling the cotton? And I hope you don't lick your fingers to twiddle the end !
As above, if I haven't washed my hands my rda's always tasted rank for the first 10 mins, especially if you have just eaten pizza like I did, needless to say it was rank!
Hmmm will try washing my hands and maybe not scratching my butt right before lol but it's always the same taste. I get the same taste using cheap supermarket cotton but only for the first couple of puffs
I get it a little with most of the brands I've tried. Fibrefreaks is the only one that hasn't had that issue. Again, hand washing is a must beforehand!
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