May I put my two cents in? Seeing as its early days for you, I wouldn't want you to be making burny gross coils and wicks, lest it colour your experience.
So, wrap your coils around something thin, like a mini screwdriver shaft, then attach to your device. Make sure it's giving a sensible resistance reading, say 1.8 ohms, then get some natural cotton wool, boil it, dry it in the oven and keep it in a jar as your wick stash (will last months, just a few cotton balls). Now tear off a small piece, roll it like a sausage and thread it through the coil. Snip off each end so it's about 1.5cm-2cm long and vape away. Best flavour you'll have.
Newbie tips (that I'm just learning as I'm still a noob): if there are gaps between the coil and the wick, you'll get burnt, if there coil wraps too tight around the wick, you'll get burnt (flavour that is). I also find that if the coils are touching each other I get a harsher, more burnt taste, so poke around with something pokey until the flavour is mellow and pleasant. Don't let cotton get dry, should be wet at ALL times unlike silica. Enjoy!