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Newbie help


Jul 16, 2013
Hi I smoked 40 a day for the past 30 years, I've never gone an hour without a cig lol, I have been vaping now for 8 days and not had a single cig, I am so proud of myself as I do lack will power.
I own a few ego batteries and one vv at the moment, I am not getting much from my ego's most of the time its like sucking on a blocked straw, the vv I have is not bad is does the trick but I would prefer better.
I have been reading a lot of comments and reviews on mods but I cant decide what to go for, I have looked at the innokin svd the vamo, the evid, I would love a provari but with only been on disability is a bit pricy for me.
What I need to know is which is the best?
One other thing is that I am struggling with is what takes what for batteries, they are just confusing me, some are protected some are not, I dont really want to stack batteries. So I want something that will hold 1 battery and have enough power to last so any suggestions are really welcome.
I own a few clearomisers, they dont do much for me I also have a kangor evod, x8 and a kangor protank, are there anymore good tanks you can suggest?
One other thing, I am woman (not blonde) but not basically that smart when it comes to vaping lol so could I please ask for replies in dummy format so I can understand lol


Something like a vamo is an ideal 'toe dipper' takes most the clearos you have, in long mode you can stick one 18650 (big :)) battery in and should go the distance.

Can pick them up for close to the same price as a vv ego these days.

A charger and a pair of 18650 batteries (unprotected) would see you sorted.

Tis a fecking lump though :D
Thanks for replying so fast, the size dont bother me as I am pretty much stuck in the house 24/7, thats why I smoked 40 a day lol I was looking at a vamo and I did notice a vami on a site from abroad not sure if I am aloud to mention store names so I wont.
Vamo-Vivi Voltage Adjustable E-Cigarette Battery Compartment Set with Nitecore I2 Euro battery charger/charger cable/2*Panasonic 18650 batteries
You get all that for £31 shipping is free, is there a difference between the vamo and the vamo-vivi
You'd be one of the only people who haven't mentioned fasttech at some point in the last few months ;)

Kit sounds ideal for a start up, as you get the spare battery and charger.

Having ordered from them, the name can be deceptive ;) but if you're lucky it'll take 9 days, but mine took a month!

All good once it got here though :D

Oh, and vivi is a variety of tank, so you may well get one of those too :D
Hi, angieg, firstly well done on quiting!! I highly recommend the vamo as the next level up for you, I have found it much better than the ego's though I still use mine on occasion. Your Evods and protanks will work well with it too. Re the batteries, the Vamo has inbuilt protection, so does not need batteries with protection. Some mods do not have protection built in, therefore need a battery with protection. I wish there were more shops about where you could try before buying, it would make things a lot easier!!!! Good luck with whatever you choose and keep away from the fags!
Congratulations on quitting the stinkies

as for the vamo I only had it for 24 hours (love it already) and still on first 18650 battery with about 1/3 power the power left after 13 hours of vaping yesterday
Thanks ever so much for all the help guys, and I am glad you all answered me in simple terms, my brains getting on a bit and cant cope with all the jargon, ordering a vamo today, my next question will be learning how to recoil lol
I have been looking around at this and it does look simple, but again confused with the sizes of wire and wick to get.
My DIY liquid has arrived today so I am about to make my own juice, might turn out crap lol but practice makes perfect
Hi Angie - you'll need to get yourself a plug adaptor for the battery charger so you can stick it in the wall.

You can find them in Tesco, Maplins (linky) etc but make sure you don't get one with a 'plug guard' as your battery charger won't fit into it. :)


Thanks Mawsley I did notice the plug type I went for the EU and not US thought it would be easier finding an adapter, are these adapters the same as a shaving adapter or different?
I really appreciate all the help I have got here your great THANKS

sorry I have figured it out lol not a shaving adapter hahaha its a travel plug we all buy when we go on holiday abroad lol sorry about that
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I've just started recoiling myself and can highly recommend the IGO-L for ease, I also use 2mm wick and .20mm nichrome, hope this helps.

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