I'm still a total novice and tend to go down to my local vaper shop/s and they are always more than willing to let you sample their delights. What I also tend to do is buy sample packs and give them a blast. Juices also taste different on different devices/ tanks/ atomisers or whatever the correct name for them are. I use stardusts/ clearomisers and my everyday vape is on my vivi nova which I really like as its simple/ easy to fill/ coil and rewick. I'm no expert but I thought I'd share my thoughts from one novice to another. I also carry spare juice in different tanks because when I loose the taste in one juice I move on to another.
My personal favourites at the moment are
Sweedish fish (from Barry@ Evolution-e-cigarettes)
Fruit mix
Hot Cinnamon
Some vendors here also offer free samples. I received some free samples from RoyalVapor just the other day and will try these out over Christmas.
Hope this helps,