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Nice Custard Cream

Not sure about it being bulked out, I’ve found after plenty of experimentation that the sweet spot for me with Chefs Strawberry Vapetto is 12%, it definitely isn’t weak at that, they suggest 25% on the bottle, obviously it is in their interest to suggest mixing at higher % but a lot of it is dependent on the gear that it’s been vaped on with probably the majority vaping on stock coils etc.
I’d be interested to know what % concentrate Vampire Vape use in Heisenberg and the like, it must be high because the juice is very strong, I haven’t had it for years and wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole now but I can remember in Protank times it was very popular because the flavour boomed out even in the poor equipment.
Perhaps this is the issue one shot manufacturers have to handle when recommending %.
If you get where I’m coming from.
i can only imagine it must be bulked out with pg.

Possibly at some point, but if it comes like that from say mom n pops to vapable, there is pretty much fk all they can do about it....it's just business.
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Perhaps this is the issue one shot manufacturers have to handle when recommending %.
If you get where I’m coming from.

For some reason one shots used to mostly always be around the 20% mixing mark, no idea why, it's not like people can only buy vg. There are a lot more lower percentage mix one shots these days, including at Chefs.
I don't know if I would call it 'bulked out' but most 'one shot' flavours are 'leveled out' to be 20%, 25% or whatever. All the Rope Cut concentrates are leveled out to be 25%, it would be an extraordinary coincidence if all the flavourings, in every concentrate came out at 25%.

I understand why they do it, it would be a bit weird if one of their flavours was recommended at 6% and another was 18% ... one would seem much better value and damage the sales of the other flavour, they could adjust the prices but no brands wants one of their flavours to be £12 for 30ml and another to be £4 for 30ml. It would be difficult to explain those differences to consumers.
I'm sure it is a pricing thing at the end of the day,

They just say OK we need our 30ml one shot to be £9.99 to be competitive, some might use more flavourings or more expensive flavourings but they just level it all out, to cost £9.99 and be mixed at the same %.

It's a bit like 3mg liquid costing the same as 18mg liquid, I suppose.
I'm sure it is a pricing thing at the end of the day,

They just say OK we need our 30ml one shot to be £9.99 to be competitive, some might use more flavourings or more expensive flavourings but they just level it all out, to cost £9.99 and be mixed at the same %.

It's a bit like 3mg liquid costing the same as 18mg liquid, I suppose.

And a pair of size 14 shoes costs the same as a pair of 7's....it is what it is
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