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Nicotine % - Low vs Pointless


New Member
Jul 21, 2019
Hi all, newbie to the site but been vaping for years and trying reduce with an aim to quitting. I mix my own liquid and as I’m mixing less and less nicotine I wonder if the % I’m at now is anything more than placebo.

I’m currently running 2 bottles, one with low nicotine and one without. Depending on my mood I’m averaging a quarter of a tank of low nicotine and the rest with zero nicotine.

My low nicotine mix is only 0.5ml in a 30ml bottle with the nicotine concentrate being 7.2% (in PG if that makes any difference at all). I’m then further diluting it in my tank to 1/4 with the non nicotine mix.

I feel like I’m getting a little agitated if I don’t put that quarter of a tank of low nicotine liquid in, but, can such a low concentration make any difference vs zero nicotine?

To summarise, my tank right now is 3/4 zero nicotine juice and 1/4 low nicotine juice (0.5ml in 30ml of 7.2%).

You are at 0.3mg of nicotine per ml of juice.

I would call that an almost homeopathic mixture, nicotine wise.

But the only way for you to be sure whether it is placebo effect or not is to do a blind test. Make up two 30ml bottles that look identical, one with your low nic and one with zero nic, and then mix them up, so you won't know which is which.

Then see if you can tell the difference when you 1/4 fill your tank from one, or the other.
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For how much nic you are using I would just try without
Hi all, newbie to the site but been vaping for years and trying reduce with an aim to quitting. I mix my own liquid and as I’m mixing less and less nicotine I wonder if the % I’m at now is anything more than placebo.

I’m currently running 2 bottles, one with low nicotine and one without. Depending on my mood I’m averaging a quarter of a tank of low nicotine and the rest with zero nicotine.

My low nicotine mix is only 0.5ml in a 30ml bottle with the nicotine concentrate being 7.2% (in PG if that makes any difference at all). I’m then further diluting it in my tank to 1/4 with the non nicotine mix.

I feel like I’m getting a little agitated if I don’t put that quarter of a tank of low nicotine liquid in, but, can such a low concentration make any difference vs zero nicotine?

To summarise, my tank right now is 3/4 zero nicotine juice and 1/4 low nicotine juice (0.5ml in 30ml of 7.2%).


How much of that are you actually vaping a day though? in ML's?
You are at 0.3mg of nicotine per ml of juice.

I would call that an almost homeopathic mixture, nicotine wise.

But the only way for you to be sure whether it is placebo effect or not is to do a blind test. Make up two 30ml bottles that look identical, one with your low nic and one with zero nic, and then mix them up, so you won't know which is which.

Then see if you can tell the difference when you 1/4 fill your tank from one, or the other.

Sounds very low in those terms.
Fair point. I can do 30ml on some days!

It's still not much nicotine in total, but I would imagine even at a low level that small amount does keep you ticking over, so to speak. If you really want to quit completely then, the next step might be to try and gradually lower how much you liquid vape overall.
30ml is quite a lot.
Is it the nic you want to get rid of?
I would be thinking about reducing my juice intake.
I tried to quit the nic and did the method suggested above, I had 2 bottles of the same juice one with 0mg and the other with 3mg eventually coming down to 1.5mg.

This was successful for a while but chain vaped more.

That was until I started on the pods with Nic Salts which buggered all that up, I'm more addicted to nicotine now - hey ho :25:

I still mix to 3mg on my sub ohm vapes but does little for me apart from flavour.
Personally I only use nic for the throat hit. I do honestly notice an actual nic hit difference between the different tank/coil set ups I have. But dont find that head hit something I actually chase. Just the throat hit. But to get to the chase of where I'm personally coming from. I think or feel it can be different, our experiences, using it in our juice's. Some, its the head hit, some like me the throat hit, some both, and for others and reasons I dont even know about who knows. I think I personally couldn't advise anyone what levels to use. But like me, use those that suit you and you like, just so long as it keeps you off the cigs! It's all good. :thumbup:
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