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Nicotine strength question


Nov 18, 2013
Hi all,

I've been vaping for a couple of weeks now, and am absolutely loving it. In fact, I'm loving it so much that I'm getting through a lot of juice - probably 8ml or so a day, more if I'm not up to much. I'm using the 12mg stuff, on the basis that if I go higher, I'll most likely become more addicted to nicotine as opposed to vaping less, as my habit is not just chemical - I love the whole experience - the flavours, the throat hit, and the actual action of drawing vapour in. This isn't even taking into account the oncoming shinyitis! I'm using an ego battery with a vivi nova on top of it, but am pretty much set for going vv/vw when pay day hits (end of the week - woohoo!).
Anyway, rambling aside, I would like to know if my theory regarding nicotine strength has any truth to it, and if anyone has any hints or tips for putting the damn thing down once in a while!

thanks for reading,

Chances are if you go higher, you probably will just end up vaping less.

Addiction is such a horrible word for what is more a dependence on nicotine more so than a brain disease :P

I vape more on lower levels of nicotine, not because I am addicted, but because my body is used to higher levels and your body is trying to maintain those levels. You can stay at the level you are now though, but make a conscious effort to cut back on how much you are using your PV if you are worried about taking in more nicotine though.

I normally vape around 9-12 mg and I train vape, I have one juice which is 18 mg and I can put it down for upwards of a couple hours without feeling like I need another puff.
Interesting, I am currently on 24mg "New vaper" and like yourself really enjoying the new experience. I have no urges whatsoever for to pick up a cigarette however, I do think that I am possibly vaping too much. I had thought of getting some lower mg Nic so that I can vape away without worrying about overdosing lol., but, when I checked out my mg to ml to cigarette ratio on the calculaty thingymajig, it reckons I am only having the equivalent Nic to 10.5 cigarettes a day. Now compared to 25-30 which I was used to having along with all of those other thousands of chemicals, I don't yet see any need to vape less nic or indeed even vape less full stop. Not yet anyway. No rush, I am only on day 4 smoke free :)
I guess that's the root of my problem - I've never been much good at conscious efforts! Maybe a mod where the casing goes live if you take over a certain number of puffs . . . .
Ooh where did you find the calculaty thingymajig? I'd like to have a go on that.
Thanks for that KurlMeStoopid. Turns out I've upped my nicotine intake a bit. Oh well, I've reduced my tar intake to zero, and let's not go there with the likes of arsenic and formaldehyde! Willpower it is, then.
Nicotine gets a lot of bad press.

While it's very toxic stuff in fairly small doses, it's not actually 'bad for you' unless you do actually poison yourself with it.

If you start feeling light headed, or you get headaches, you're overdoing it. If not then your body will self regulate it's nicotine intake all by itself.

It's the tar and the 'other stuff' in cigarettes that causes smoking related disease, I wouldn't worry about nicotine any more than you worry about caffeine.
It's also worth noting that a lot less of the nicotine that's in an e-liquid makes it into your system than it would from smoking a cigarette.
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