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Ninja Vaper!!


May 22, 2014
Hi there! I figured since I've got my vape gear in the mail on its way to me I should join these chat sites and get myself clued up on whats going on in the vape world! I've been a smoker on and off for about 10yrs, I quit I go back I quit I go back....

I live in essex and wondered if there were any places I could go to ie bars coffee shops that are vape friendly?

Or maybe a Essex meet/vape up? We can all gather and compare and admire eachothers gear :vapinape:

I want to know what other good mods are out there for first time vapers?? I've ordered a iTaste MVP V2 mainly because I don't want to mess around with switching out batteries. I am pretty impressed that I can charge my phone with it to! I've been looking at the SVD..anyone got one let me know how it is?:vapinape:
:welcome1: to POTV

Sorry can't help with Essex shops or meets but some-one should be along to give you some info on that :D
Hiya and welcome to the planet :) I can't help you either but we do have a few members your way. Maybe cliffo might be able to point you in the right direction as he's from your neck of the woods.
Morning ninja and welcome to POTV.

cant help euther with the essex query :( where are all the loud city folk from that neck of the woods when you need them :D

Svd and mvp are both highly respected and well used by a lot of our members due to their ease of use.

Sent front my pocket brain using planet of the vapes mobile app.
Hi there!

I pretty much started on the SVD and it's a good mod when you know what does what. Can take all three sizes of batteries so you have a good choice of batteries and tanks to go with it :)
I want to know what other good mods are out there for first time vapers?? I've ordered a iTaste MVP V2 mainly because I don't want to mess around with switching out batteries. I am pretty impressed that I can charge my phone with it to! I've been looking at the SVD..anyone got one let me know how it is?:vapinape:

Personally, id stick with the mvp2.....brilliant piece of kit...svd is also decent, but is a little on the big side in anything other then 18350 mode.

Vtr is also worth a shout

Sent From My Galaxy S4

If you're not interested in fiddling with batteries then a box mod like the MVP is definitely for you. The only thing I would say is if you have an inkling that you might end up on mechanical mod's, dripping atomisers and chasing clouds (check the forum for more info) then you'd be better off getting an SVD or similar, buying the batteries and a decent charger. That way when you move on you've already invested in what you need.
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