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Noob friendly RDA's

When I went from drop-in coils to RDAs I got lots of experience with wicking. Making the coils was super easy for me. I have coil jigs that really helped me starting out. Wicking was my downfall, I didn't drip often enough and continued to get dry hits. I really had a problem with dripping. When I finally got my first RTA I was in love. The experience I learned on RDAs paid off with the use of the RTAs. Nowadays, I just use a 2.5mm machine screw to make my .5Ω SS316L spaced coils and the Coil Master TAB 521 as a build base. Oh, I also found using a small electric drill to twist my wire prior to making the coils stiffens the wire making it less springy. I keep the twisted wire in a plastic straw in my coil making box. I highly recommend it.

When I went from drop-in coils to RDAs I got lots of experience with wicking. Making the coils was super easy for me. I have coil jigs that really helped me starting out. Wicking was my downfall, I didn't drip often enough and continued to get dry hits. I really had a problem with dripping. When I finally got my first RTA I was in love. The experience I learned on RDAs paid off with the use of the RTAs. Nowadays, I just use a 2.5mm machine screw to make my .5Ω SS316L spaced coils and the Coil Master TAB 521 as a build base. Oh, I also found using a small electric drill to twist my wire prior to making the coils stiffens the wire making it less springy. I keep the twisted wire in a plastic straw in my coil making box. I highly recommend it.


I can't get used to dripping well i keep forgetting to drip and have had quite a few more dry hits recently, overall my wicking isn't bad, mainly because i use the Vapefly Firebolt Cotton that @nwhornet told me about. I seem better with squonking which i guess is the same as dripping but feeding from the bottom. I would rather stick with RDA's though instead of RTA's, mind you there is nothing wrong with using both i suppose. Would like to get the Wotofo Unity but read it's difficult to build on so might wait a while.
I'm a better dripper than I am squonker for sure. Dripping, just pour a bunch in when it needs it, squonking, I'm never sure how much has squonked in. I tend to, with each dripper, take the top cap off, hold down the squonk bottle & count the seconds until it's squonked enough juice into the well then try & remember the "squonk time"
I love squonking, i have taken to it like a duck to water, definately my favourite vaping method.
The unity isnt difficult really, it's very similar to the profile rda just a little bit different as you have to leave some up top or it will shit its juice all over your mod, follow this guide pretty much and it works everytime, theres also wicking videos on youtube but I followed this and works great

I don't want to piss juice all over my mod lol, i was looking at the Zeus RTA and that looks a beast of a tank. there are a few rda's and a couple of rta's i wouldn't mind
I love squonking, i have taken to it like a duck to water, definately my favourite vaping method.
Yeah mine too mate, the unity is very similar to the profile but yeah I've got 3 squonkers topside with the 1.5 and the other 2 with the v1 profiles till I get some more 1.5s as I've got mesh for the v1s i will hang on till they get used up, hopefully they may release a few more colours of the 1.5sz the v1 matt gunmetal is my favourite and goes well with the gunmetal topside
Whats the difference in mesh for the Profile v1, i thought they were the same.
Whats the difference in mesh for the Profile v1, i thought they were the same.
V1 mesh is shorter & narrower & doesn't work well in the V1.5. It's too low in the airflow causing the top of the mesh to overheat.
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