V1.5So when buying for the version 1 what should i look for, how does a newbie tell the difference ?
I think you can get a roll and cut your own strips but I would just go with the proper ones, other branded mesh may fit it but not sureSo no other mesh apart from the Chill, extreme and Turbo are made for the 1.5 ?
Wotofo XFiber 60mm X 6mm is the cotton for both Profiles & Unity. 60mm X 3mm is for 3mm dia coils but I don't use it as Vapefly Firebolt is far better.I bought some wotofo mesh the other day for my v1 or i thought for my v1. I will just buy chill etc for the 1.5 in future , thanks for letting me know @Cozy i really appreciate it.