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Noob to vaping so thought I'd sign up :0)

I went for the ego "starter kit" then bought a vision spinner, and then a Chi you full on mechanical mod all in a space of two weeks.........I think I've got shinyitis......But I've not had a fag now for two months, so it cant be all bad.....Welcome to the light side....:)
Well still using the above setup and working fine although my friend at work has just took delivery of a lightsaber in the form of a kamry k200,looks good etc. but it does not work! It powers up but it just wont vape,tried his tanks on my ego type batt and they work fine. He's been waiting a while now for it and has sold his older bits & pieces to other guys at work so hes gutted tbh.its like there is no power to the pin that contacts the atomisers.there is contact as the pin is spring loaded,probably the wrong section to post this on but any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance :0)
Suggest fitting the tank with the battery removed, then place the battery into its case and try that, pin could be stuck. ?
Suggest fitting the tank with the battery removed, then place the battery into its case and try that, pin could be stuck. ?
Thanks for the quick response! Just tried it,was worth a shot although the pin is spring loaded,it seems it is not earthed or something.
It could be the centre pin is a bit too wide or off centre, see if you can find a tank where the centre post sticjs out a little and try that, also try to get an ohms reading from it to see if its shorting or not connecting...
Could also be the battery. My vamo v5 is twitchy with flat top ones, so try a button top if you have not already.
What kind of battery is he using? It could be the battery itself. I made the schoolboy error of buying cheap chinese batteries when I first started and they wouldn't work at all in my V3. I didn't think mechanical mods were quite as fussy with batteries but I could be wrong? I'm awaiting delivery of a K100 at the moment to compliment my V3 so I'll let you know how it goes with mine.

Just out of interest, is your friends K100 genuine or is it a clone?
It could be the centre pin is a bit too wide or off centre, see if you can find a tank where the centre post sticjs out a little and try that, also try to get an ohms reading from it to see if its shorting or not connecting...
Will text him to see if he can bring it back in to work if he hasn't already sent it backtried both his tanks and tried my aspire on it and a few other clearomisers and nothing,although they dont screw on to it you can feel the pin springing down so you know there's a connection.

Could also be the battery. My vamo v5 is twitchy with flat top ones, so try a button top if you have not already.
it is a flat top battery that came in the kit and they are already a snug fit for the end cap to fit TBH so just wondering if the button top would just hinder the end cap from screwing on? will let him know.....pity hes a lazy currant as he should be finding out this himself lol!

What kind of battery is he using? It could be the battery itself. I made the schoolboy error of buying cheap chinese batteries when I first started and they wouldn't work at all in my V3. I didn't think mechanical mods were quite as fussy with batteries but I could be wrong? I'm awaiting delivery of a K100 at the moment to compliment my V3 so I'll let you know how it goes with mine.

Just out of interest, is your friends K100 genuine or is it a clone?
I,m sure he got 2 Kamry flat top batterys with the kit and its a Kamry K200 I believe. I did wonder If you get clones/fakes as most of the images show the top end cap being more conical round the connector and his is just flat like the battery end cap. I'll pass on his thanks to you for your suggestions,cheers!
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the k200 is a clone, to all intents and purposes, of a device called a tesla.
It could be just the top of the flat tops that need a tweek. I didn't get button tops for me vamo, just tweeked the top of the flat tops up a little.
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