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Nose irritation

I had big problems with my nose and it turned out to be the high vg content (I just like to be awkward). I changed from 20/80 to 60/40 and I'm fine again. It's all about finding what works for you. I'd been vaping 2 and a half years when it all happened so it can strike at any time and is most unpleasant so I hope you get it sorted :)
Purplefowler TheVapingBird
Please report immediately to Dr F for study & possible dissection.

The first I have heard of anyone having a VG allergy but I suppose anything possible.
Mind you I'm developing an allergy to words starting with EU (unless followed with a expletive)
I just used a VG liquid for two or three days and then went back to PG and was fine. Everyone is different with what they want their PG and VG intake to be I suppose. I didn't see a doctor about it. I just continued vaping because I love it, it is an alternative healthier way of smoking, and I just wanted to try VGs anyway because I ususally use PG 70/ VG 30. I prefer PG for the better throat kick and flavor. Hope this helps.
i find it is down to concentrate/flavouring... i vape the same pg to vg ratio and i make my own juice... never had any problem til i used pineapple concentrate (same nicotine, pg, vg) and since i use pineapple it irritaes my nose and makes me sneeze, runny nose...only from 1 nostril somehow lol, if i mix/dilute the pineapple it isnt half as bad and if i stop using pineapple it goes away... not sure how or why but tis deff something in the concentrate for me not the pg ratio

also since using the pineapple concentrate my piss smells like sugar puffs LOL again no idea why but i remember reading somewhere vaping can do that to urine maybe il look it up lol
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The juice i have at the moment is 50/50. If it's a common thing then i'll not worry and carry on vaping :)

Thanks guys, i might try some different ratio juices and see how i get on.
I use 50/50 and had a very dry nose for a couple of weeks or so but it went away after awhile
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