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Notification 'pop up' box?

NW Redneck

Mar 6, 2013
I get a little box appearing in the bottom left saying I have new notifications & must view them before the box will disappear. I've tried clicking on the notifications tab at the top AND clicking the link in the pop-up box to view them but the box doesn't disappear. What's up wit dat?
it should go once you click the box at the bottom left mate, that then takes you to the notification screen

If you view the forum in light mode you only get the notifications at the top which I find easier. But yes if you click on the bottom one it should take you to the notification and when you return the pop up has gone :)
If you are clicking the back button after viewing it, then yes it will still be there and it will show up everytime someone thanks, likes, or quotes you in a post.

Click refresh after you have viewed the notification via the lil black box, it should be gone.
Refresh after viewing the notification ? I take it you clicked and read the notification ?
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