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now they're even discussing making beer gardens off ilimts to smokers


Jul 11, 2012

Articles like this pish me off.. not happy that smokers have to go outside for a fag, the antis moan about second hand smoke outdoors

Not long after the smoking ban came into force, I had someone waving their hand in front of their face and doing the fake cough routine whilst I was having a fag in the beer garden of my local.

I suggested that if my smoke bothered them, they should move further away or go indoors. They replied that they shouldn't have to go indoors and I said fine, if you want to stay out here, either move or put up with it, either way leave me alone to enjoy my smoke.

They didn't look too impressed and went back indoors to complain to the landlord... who promptly told em that if they didn't like it they were free to feck off, bless him. :)
Fucking joke!

Gives me the royal arsehole and no mistake!

Often on the rare occasions the weather permits, I go to my local, order my pint and head outside... only to find the place packed with non smoking bastards who didn't want you inside, but are happy to take up all the spaces outside!

"ooooh think of the children!" You first! The majority of city pub beer gardens are paved/concrete. The tables are wonky and the glass collection lax at best. Maybe concern yourself about fractures and lacerations before you concern yourself with a problem of your own creation!

Annnnnnnnnnd relax! :rant:
Fucking joke!

Gives me the royal arsehole and no mistake!

Often on the rare occasions the weather permits, I go to my local, order my pint and head outside... only to find the place packed with non smoking bastards who didn't want you inside, but are happy to take up all the spaces outside!

"ooooh think of the children!" You first! The majority of city pub beer gardens are paved/concrete. The tables are wonky and the glass collection lax at best. Maybe concern yourself about fractures and lacerations before you concern yourself with a problem of your own creation!

Annnnnnnnnnd relax! :rant:

Think of the CHildren Schmildren ... there are pubs that cater for kids ... your normal every day local should be a kid free haven IMO

By that .. I mean there should be family pubs .. but equally .. there should be adult pubs ..

some of the pubs I drink in I'd hate to think of my kids being subjected too :D
Heh .. this brings to mind an incident a year or two ago .. went into a pub in notts .. that was once a good pub .. it was a sunday and I was hung over.

I went to the bar and said do you do coffee ... the little twat behind the bar said "No i'ts a pub"

It pissed me off at the time ... but actually thinking about it ... I respect that :D
Forget the cig smoke OUTSIDE, what about all the other fucking pollutants from cars, planes, factories, power stations, and every other thing you can possibly imagine!
Heh .. this brings to mind an incident a year or two ago .. went into a pub in notts .. that was once a good pub .. it was a sunday and I was hung over.

I went to the bar and said do you do coffee ... the little twat behind the bar said "No i'ts a pub"

It pissed me off at the time ... but actually thinking about it ... I respect that :D

I'm sure you'd have got a politer response in the old angel :D
Is nobody else getting fed up with the Fucking gay whales against racism namby pamby liberal daily Mail reading lycra wearing cycling vegetarian animal loving tea total 3 bed semi in guildford wankers getting on the case on every thing they dont like!!! For Fuck sake get a life and leave others alone, If they want to kill themselves thats OK if they want to have a fun thats OK too so long as it is not disturbing your fucking fairy bubble GO AWAY.

I'll get my coat
Is nobody else getting fed up with the Fucking gay whales against racism namby pamby liberal daily Mail reading lycra wearing cycling vegetarian animal loving tea total 3 bed semi in guildford wankers

As a "fucking gay whale against racism namby pamby cycling vegetarian animal loving tea total 3 bed semi wanker" I object to the implication that I vote Liberal, read the Daily Mail, wear lycra or live in Guildford. :D
And of course smokers have the right to smoke - in their home, in their car and in designated smoking areas. They don't have the right to lob their smoke into the faces and lungs of others in areas for the general public. I have absolutely no problem with beer gardens being put off-limits to them.

...but then that's because I'm a gay fish. :D

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